Sunday, July 10, 2011

Leg Room and Heat Do Not Mean the Same to Everyone

We got up Friday morning to being our trip to Taiwan to pick up our son Matthew. I got dressed and found $11 in my pants pocket; a good start to our trip.

When we checked in for our flight were very happy to hear that our flight was only half full, so we were able to snag seats with a little extra leg room; a good thing for a 13 hour flight. We slept and watched a ton of movies.

When we arrived in Tokyo, an announcement was made over the loud speaker…”Mr and Mrs. Morris need to see a ground agent once they exit the plane”. This created a little anxiety. Our flight to Taiwan had been cancelled. They had rescheduled us on a Delta flight, no worries. We had a four hour layover in Tokyo. It was a million degrees in the airport. It was so hot! I kept think “they really need an AC tech here”. It was very difficult to get comfortable.

Our flight to Taiwan was uneventful. Jon sat next to a very interested lady, who was born in Taiwan and currently lives in Tokyo. She explained that the reason our flight was not full from Newark to Tokyo was because after the earthquake and tsunami in March tourism has been non-existent. She also told us that the reason it was so hot in the airport was because the entire country is required to conserve energy due to the damage done at the nuclear facility. They are not running the air conditioning at the airport.

I was very embarrassed about my joy over having a little extra leg room on our flight, and my endless complaining about the heat in the airport. Please continue to pray for the people of Japan. They no longer make the news headlines, but their pain and suffering is still very real. Our eyes are being opened to the world around us.


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